Health Information
Medical Forms
Prescription Medications:
Students will need a signed physician order form sent to the school before any prescription medication can be given. This includes ADD and ADHD medication as well as inhalers and Epipens.
Physician order forms have been delivered to several medical offices, so they are readily available at your next visit. You may print the form from the attached link. Forms are also available from the school nurse or in the front office.
It is very important that a form is completed and brought to school on the first day of class if a student takes prescription medicine. If a student is started on a new prescription medication during the school year, please make sure his/her physician has sent a signed order to the school nurse. Medication will NOT be given without the doctor’s order.
All prescription medication must be in its original, pharmacy labeled container and must be taken to the nurse upon arrival at school.
Students are not allowed to carry prescription medications at school unless the nurse has received the required paperwork from the physician’s office, the parent and the student.
Over-the-Counter Medications:
Each over-the-counter medication administered must have a separate medication permission form and cannot be combined onto one form.
The school nurse or nurse appointed school personnel will:
inform appropriate staff members of the medication
keep a record of the administration of medication
keep medication in a secure place
return the unused portions of the medication to the parent, guardian or student unless instructed otherwise.
The student’s parents must inform the school nurse or nurse’s designee of any changes in the child’s health and/or medication.
The school reserves the right to refuse requests to administer medication under special circumstances.
Students are not allowed to carry over-the-counter medications at school.
Students with Special Health Care Needs
Many health care services can be provided for students to keep them at school so they can learn and participate with other students. Our goal is to provide information to parents and legal guardians about some of the services and programs available for addressing the health care needs of students during the school day to help students succeed in school. It is important that the necessary health care information is shared with the appropriate people – such as teachers on duty during break, bus drivers and cafeteria employees – to make sure the students’ needs are met.
Individual Health Care Plans or Individual Health Plans (IHP)
Students with special health care needs — chronic health conditions requiring treatments, procedures, medications and/or monitoring – must have IHPs performed by school personnel. Students with inhalers and epi-pens must also have IHPs.